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Producer Application

Do you perform regular equipment maintenance at least annually?

If yes, a maintenance record form is required to receive points (See resources tab for template).

Select File

Do you utilize full synthetic lubricants?

If there is no opportunity on your operation for the practice described, mark Not Applicable.

Do you utilize partially synthetic lubricants?

If there is no opportunity on your operation for the practice described, mark Not Applicable.

Do you utilize premium diesel?

If there is no opportunity on your operation for the practice described, mark Not Applicable.

Select any alterative fuels used in production

What percentage of fuel usage is alternative fuels?



Saving the self-assessment to your device will not only allow you to easily submit the file but provides the opportunity to review opportunities to improve in the future.



Select File

Do you use solar panels?

What Agribusiness type is this entity?

Select grain if your operation raises row crops as a main source of income. 

Examples include:

  • Soybeans

  • Wheat

  • Corn

A livestock operation is defined as raising animals for the purpose of producing a product

Examples include:

  • Cattle

  • Swine

  • Poultry

Horticulture is defined as raising species of plants typically found in gardens as a commercial product.

Examples include:

  • Tomatoes

  • Pumpkins

  • Onions

Agritourism is defined as the combination of agriculture production and tourism. 

Examples include:

  • Vineyard

  • Pumpkin Patch

  • Wedding Venue

General Information


Precision Ag Technologies

Do you utilize equipment with precision ag technologies? (GPS & Auto Steer)

Do you utilize an engine heater timer?

Self Assessments

Upon completing the assessment, click "Show All", click "Print", change printer to "Save as PDF", then upload the PDF in the space below.

Do you utilize irrigation sensors?

Do you have a backflow prevention?

If applicable, do you practice contour/terrace farming practices?

Climate Smart Soil Health

Do you practice crop rotation?

Do you plant cover crops?

Planting cover crops is currently heavily incentivized by sustainability programs.

Do you utilize no till/reduced till practices?

No till/Reduced tillage practices are currently heavily incentivized by sustainability programs.

Do you utilize soil health sampling?


If yes, submitting lab results is required to achieve available points.

Soil health samples must contain the following:

  1. Aggregate stability

  2. Organic carbon

  3. Soil compaction

  4. Nutrient mineralization potential

  5. Plant water availability  

Select File

Do you participate in any organic production?

Please upload your certification

Select File

Do you grow enogen corn?

Production Plan


Why are we asking? To facilitate market access. Providing your production plan can enable access to additional markets, both today and in the future. Your plan must include the following:


Row Crops:

  • Farm Name

  • Tillage: no till, reduced, conventional

  • Cover Crop: Yes or No

  • Current Crop​


If you do not have access to this data, reach out to your ag retailer to help facilitate.

Select File



Do you utilize irrigation?


If there is no opportunity on your operation for the practice described, mark Not Applicable

Select File



Do you utilize a grain dryer?


You do not need to complete the self-assessment if you do not utilize a grain dryer.

Select File


For those that use irrigation in production, do you follow the SMART Irrigation method? *


SMART Irrigation

  • Specific - irrigating only where needed

  • Maintained - ensure engine/motor efficiency & leak free connections

  • Alignment - contour farming reduces erosion & increases rainwater retention

  • Run-off Management - ensure water, chemicals, & soil remain where intended

  • Timely - run systems during lower heat windows to reduce evaporation


If there is no opportunity on your operation for the practice described, mark Not Applicable

Do you perform required maintenance and leak inspections at least annually?


Are you a beef producer?

Do you utilize rotational grazing?

Does your operation utilize pasture ground?

Do you utilize Co-grazing?

Two or more species grazing the same pasture at the same point in time.

Do you utilize a methane digester?

Self Assessment


Saving the self-assessment to your device will not only allow you to easily submit the file but provides the opportunity to review opportunities to improve in the future.

Complete ventilation self assessment.


​Energy Self Assessment - Beef Self Assessment Tool (

Select File

Are you a dairy producer?

Do you utilize rotational grazing?

Does your operation utilize pasture ground?

Do you utilize Co-grazing?

Two or more species grazing the same pasture at the same point in time.

Do you utilize a methane digester?

Self Assessment


Saving the self-assessment to your device will not only allow you to easily submit the file but provides the opportunity to review opportunities to improve in the future.

Complete ventilation self assessment.


Energy Self Assessment - Dairy Self Assessment Tool (

Select File

Are you a pork producer?

Do you utilize a methane digester?

Do you utilize wind turbines?

Do animals have access to pasture?

Are you a poultry producer?

Do you utilize wind turbines?

Do animals have access to pasture?

Does your facility utilize a ventilation system?


Saving the self-assessment to your device will not only allow you to easily submit the file but provides the opportunity to review opportunities to improve in the future.

Complete ventilation self assessment.


Energy Self Assessment - Ventilation Self Assessment Tool (

Select File

Do you have a current quality assurance certification?

Certifications considered are located at Animal Welfare Audit and Certification Programs | National Agricultural Library (


Possible programs include:

  • BQA

  • PQA

  • Sheep care and welfare

  • Animal welfare for broiler chickens

  • GAP


Involvement in certification programs can increase your score significantly.


Please attach program certificate



Select File

Do you feed enogen corn?

Production Plan


Why are we asking? To facilitate market access. Providing your production plan can enable access to additional markets, both today and in the future. Your plan must include the following:



  • Location Type: pasture, feedlot, etc.

  • Yearly Average Number Head

  • Feeding Data/Details


If you do not have access to this data, reach out to your ag retailer to help facilitate.

Select File

Do you utilize a rainwater usage system?

Are crops hand picked?

Are natural insect control methods utilized?

(Using certain plants to attract specific insects, introducing helpful species that reduce pests, etc.)

Do you have an alternative use for excess produce?

Self Assessments

Upon completing the assessment, click "Show All", click "Print", change printer to "Save as PDF", then upload the PDF in the space below.


Does your operation utilize a greenhouse?


Saving the self-assessment to your device will not only allow you to easily submit the file but provides the opportunity to review opportunities to improve in the future.


Select File


Does your operation utilize irrigation?


Saving the self-assessment to your device will not only allow you to easily submit the file but provides the opportunity to review opportunities to improve in the future.


Select File

Do you utilize soil health sampling?


If yes, submitting lab results is required to achieve available points.

Soil health samples must contain the following:

  1. Aggregate stability

  2. Organic carbon

  3. Soil compaction

  4. Nutrient mineralization potential

  5. Plant water availability  

Select File

Do you participate in any organic production?

Please upload your certification

Select File
Production Plan


  • Farm Name

  • Produce Grown

  • Tillage Type

  • Fertilizer Practices

  • Cover Crop

Select File


Do you utilize precision ag technology for application or harvest?

Do you utilize crop rotation?

What type of Agritourism is your business?

Please select all that apply.

Please describe your Agritourism business.

Please include:

Commodity Raised

Featured Attractions

Services Offered


Why do we ask? To better understand your potential target markets, we would like to learn more about your business. 

Do you provide formal or non-formal agriculture education opportunities?


Do you provide group transportation when possible?

Are non-engine powered forms of transportation used for tours?

Are trees/plants a portion of your landscape design?

Do you recycle when possible?

Are environmentally friendly behaviors encouraged for events/camping?


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